Friday, October 16, 2009

Dave Gautreau, Candidate for Phoenixville Borough Council - East Ward

I, too, would like to thank Karen Johns for allowing me some blog space to let folks know who I am and what I represent. I do appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.

These are exciting and challenging times for the Borough of Phoenixville. Our borough continues to grow at a fast pace. New businesses are coming to Phoenixville, which is an important for supporting our economic well being and quality of life. As with any growth, come challenges. In order to meet these challenges we will be faced with needs for road improvements, upgraded utilities, police and fire protection, all while seeing our state and federal dollars become less and less.

The growth of our community must be managed in a way that is cost effective and logical. Government, just like individuals, has to work within an affordable budget. I am ready to step up to the plate and work to realize these goals and all the challenges. As a young boy my parents always told me to remember to help those in need. That well- taught lesson inspired me to devote countless hours to many non-profits in our community: the Phoenixville Jaycees (1994 Dogwood Parade chair, 1995 General Dogwood Chair), Phoenixville Rotary (1995 President), Mom’s House Board of Directors (2002 Vice President). I am currently serving my fifth term as President of Phoenixville Area Community Services (PACS). I also serve as President of the home and school association of Holy Family School on Third Avenue. As you can see I enjoy helping those in need. The time has come to devote my energy to another “need,” the citizens of Phoenixville.

My past public involvement consists of five years on the Phoenixville School Board, from 1990 to 1995, including two years as Vice President). That experience taught me how to work as a team on a public board and “get things done.”

On a personal note, I am married to the former Cindi Baynard and we have an eight-year-old son, Christopher. I work as sales manager for AC Miller Concrete Products in Spring City; however, many of you may remember me as the guy that ran Gateway Pharmacy from 1980 to 1997 (I most likely helped you in the aisles at one time or another).

If elected, I will serve the residents of Phoenixville with honesty, integrity and dedication. Please cast your ballot for me on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, 2009. If you have a question or just want to talk please contact me at or 610-505-4988.

With Much Appreciation,

Dave Gautreau


Anonymous said...

From another section of Karen's blog:

"Questions for candidates:
1. Your personal opinion of the Library's expansion plans?
2. Development of the Phoenix Iron Co.'s land?
3. Trash hauling fees?
4. Enforcement of traffic, parking, pedestrian crossings, and other safety laws?"

Dave Gautreau, Council Candidate said...

Anonymous, thanks for your questions...

1. I am against closing Second Avenue. I would never favor closing any public thru-road in our Borough limits, especially when Third Avenue would become the first two-way Avenue in the Borough going South down Main Street and a street with two Elementary Schools and many walkers going to school. I think it is a very dangerous situation. I also think adding onto the library at that location is like putting a gallon of water in quart size container. I am a pro-library and think expansion is needed, I just do not think this is the ideal location.

2. I am for The French Creek Parkway, if you look at an aerial view on google maps of the Iron Company property it is amazing how much free space it represents in our Borough. I believe the French Creek Parkway development will favor commerical real estate which is very attractive to our tax base and revenues. The development of the Parkway and Iron Co land will also ease up traffic in downtown area and allow quick access to the Western part of town (new Wawa, Giant, Car wash areas)

3. I favor our own trash and recycling programs. Using outside haulers (which I had when living in Kimberton) costs up to 3 times what we pay now on our quarterly billing. It seems (from a resident point of you) to be working smoothly and the staff is very accomodating.

4. I think all enforcement needs to be followed, whether it is for traffic situations, parking areas and especially at the pedestrian crosswalk areas.

karlub said...

I have gotten to know Dave through the most recent election season, and it seems clear to me East Ward is definitely in good shape with him as a potential councilman.

He has all the issues under his fingertips, and is extraordinarily well-liked throughout the Borough due to his clear desire to serve his neighbors.

Throughout this whole process, I have never heard anyone offer an unkind word about Dave, or even a particularly critical one. I look forward to watching him on Council.

Anonymous said...

Mr Gautreau,

A hot topic for 20 months has been the HUD Housing at Starr and Bridge Streets. The project was pushed through many phases with meetings out of the sunshine resulting in zoning changes and applications filed on land in ownership dispute. This project had many conflicts of interest with planning/applicant and church politics. With that being said, as a council person, would you consider endorsing the zoning for that parcel, back to historic with the significant legal results that clearly stated, to council, the land should not be sold legally?

How do you feel about another HUD project in the downtown gateway into the revitalized district?

Would you be willing to listen and read the facts without being swayed by Father Evans?

Dave Gautreau said...

As a councilman I would only listen to any fact and make a decision on information and facts and not be persuaded by anyone or any influence. As a council representative I would vote based on what the borough ordinance and codes allow and only when the proper owner is known and decided by the courts. As a resident of the Borough and not a council candidate I think it is very sad that this situation has divided a congregation with a rich history in our Borough. I also am not very fond of having another HUD property downtown because after the HUD money is gone you will most likely also have a run-down eyesore building that is not well maintained and kept.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the responses Dave. It looks like YOU are 'da man' for the East Ward.

Even though I'm registered as a Democrat you'll get my vote!

(I'm signing 'anonymous' so as not to p*** off my fellow Democrats).

Anonymous said...

Dave you won me over with your
research and integrity on the hot HUD topic. Be well. Will be sure to pass along to the many voters not living in St Peters Place who are told how to vote.