Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jan Potts - Candidate for Phoenixville Area School Board

My passion is education.

It is my hope and vision for every PASD student to have the opportunity to discover their innate gifts and abilities in a safe and secure environment, and when they leave Phoenixville, have the educational skills and tools they need to continue to grow into inspired, productive members of our community and the world.

My husband, my family, and I love the Phoenixville community. We have 3 sons who have benefited from obtaining their education in the Phoenixville Area School District.

My eldest graduated from PAHS in 2006 and is a senior at Emory University in Atlanta. He is in the process of applying to law school.

My second son is currently a proud and active senior at PAHS and is busy preparing his college applications.

My third son is a freshman at the high school and is currently pursuing his education while taking advantage of the many extracurricular activities and sports we offer our students.

I have a B.A. from Duke University in Management Sciences, and also, an M.Ed. from the University of Virginia. The degrees enable me to deal with the financial, policy, personnel, and curricular parts of being on the school board.

My involvement in the community begain in 1988 when we moved to the Borough of Phoenixville.

I have enjoyed my volunteer activities such as Home and School President, Reading is Fundamental, homeroom mother, school store at the Middle School, facilitator of Parent/ Principal Forum at the High School, trip planner for the PAHS Choir, the PASD 2006 Tax Study Commission, and PASD Library Commission, and most recently, the Planning Commission for Schuylkill Township.

I also volunteer in my church for various outreach programs and studies.

Currently, I am teaching pre-school music at Episcopal day school in Paoli.

Communication - The 1st key

As an incumbent, and now as a candidate for the Phoenixville Area School Board, I believe the entire Phoenixville area should open the lines of communication to best serve the students and residents in the district.

Furthering the success of the Phoenixville Area School District requires integrity, energy, and a willingness to hear all the diverse groups represented by our community.

At the moment, I believe communication between all community organizations, the Townships and the Borough of Phoenixville, and the school district is in need of work. Progress within the community is guaranteed success by inter-governmental discussions, by understanding our diverse community and the issues each agency faces. I will work towards that end.

Curriculum - The 2nd key

It is critical that by high school level we have helped our students achieve individual goals by becoming well-prepared for the future, and educated for the next season of their lives. PASD has, and will continue to influence our children to be competitive in both the college selection process, and in the workplace. This translates to giving every child the tools they need to succeed through curriculum.

Fiscal repsonsibilty- The 3rd key

During my tenure, I have participated in forming the Energy Committee for the school district, which examines ways to reduce energy costs at each building. Re-directing funds to other needs by reducing energy costs will have a positive impact on the school district budget.

I have insisted on keeping taxes to a 1.93% increase for the 2009-2010 budget, and I will continue my record of strong vigilance and hard work for both the students and the taxpayers of Phoenixville Area School District in the coming years.

Please consider casting your vote for Jan Potts.

Thank you!

To contact me, please e-mail me at, or call 610-935-1967.

1 comment:

A Phoenixville Taxpayer said...

For School Board Candidates -

1. Your opinion on the taking of the Meadowbrook Golf Course for additional school property?

2. Your opinion on the saving of the old Schuylkill School?