*This morning, I was trying to figure out how Messina is still pulling the strings when he's no longer in a position of physical control, and I had an epiphany: Battered Democrat Syndrome!
The current D's on council are suffering from something similar to Battered Woman Syndrome. There are four phases:
Denial - which took place while Messina held both his seats on council and the planning commission. This phase is characterized by the thought that nothing is wrong with what is happening.
Guilt - They realize something is wrong, but think that it is totally their fault (which it is, in this case). This phase happened while Messina was council president.
Phase three - Enlightenment. They realize something is seriously dysfunctional, but continue to stay in the relationship in hopes of repairing things. I think council is in the beginning stages of this phase at present.
Phase Four - Responsibility. They know that what is happening is wrong, and they push the abuser out of their lives. This phase will be a long time coming, but eventually...
So treat these guys gently, ok? They're suffering from a disease recognized by both the medical and psychology communities.
*Received via email and published with permission.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
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It is easy to figure out...Any Democrat that cannot agree with King John or Ant the Great get removed from their seats. Look at Daly, DelNero and Jones. Did they really trade up? The Phoenixville Democrats and Council still has nothing but YES boys for King John. I guess Larry only has the power that King John allows him to have. Congrats Larry, yet another mouth piece for John!
I'm not certain that Larry Tilotson is still the Phoenixville Democratic Chairman, poster 9:36.
I was told he resigned his chairmanship and committee post in November on election night.
The Phoenixville Democratic Committee web site HAS been updated since the November election and still lists Larry as chairman and as a committee member. [The webmaster contact defaults to Michael Handwerk's email.]
Phoenixville Democratic Committee
PDC Officers Chester County Executive Committee Members
Chair Larry Tillotson Larry Tillotson (Zone 13 Chair)
Vice-Chair Anne Helduser Dana Dugan (County Party Treasurer)
Secretary Kathy Gill Leo Scoda (State Committee)
Treasurer John Messina Michael Handwerk (At-Large)
Marketing Michael Handwerk
PDC Ward Leaders PDC Committee Chairs
North Ward Pam Dunn First Friday n/a
Middle Ward Michael Handwerk Fundraising n/a
East Ward Michael Speck Website Michael Handwerk
West Ward John Ferko
Good evening Mr. and Mrs. America and ships across the sea...Phoenixville Boro Council reports that Ant the Great has been hired as a Consultant for all contruction projects that will take place in the Boro. In a press release he can work closely with the newly appointed John Messina, who will no doubtedly make his way back to that committees chair and liason to the failed PPG Project. Together it is thought that they can find common ground with the developer for the financial development.
A big "thank you" to the posters who provided current info on the Phoenixville Democratic Committee.
Larry must have reconsidered his resignation as no further information was offered.
Thanks, again!
I don't know Larry but I saw him work this past election and I wasn't impressed. A couple of his candidates did some work but that is it. He just spent a good deal of time complaining about the Republicans. Maybe he was just tired of working with these guys and wanted to spend more time with his wife (who by the way will have some time on her hands for the next few years).
I think with all the articles over the past week having a lot of Handwerk quotes, he is doing a helleva job with "Marketing" the party. The next PDC headquarters will have a sign that says "Back-Door-Deals-R-Us"
It is interesting that you wrote your comment about Larry resigning election night.
I heard a rumor to that affect because his wife, Dana Dugan, County Party Treasure, lost to me in the election and Messina lost also.
When the next few incumbent D's get voted out during the coming election cycle, maybe Tillotson'll make that resignation permanent. I'm crossing my fingers.
Does the PDC elect their reps by precinct or ward? I want to change my registration to Demo-rat and run for a ward leader seat.
The more Kirkner and Handwerk talk, the better everybody else looks.
Phoenixville Borough Council elections are by ward.
Democratic Committee members are elected by precinct. Those elections are every 4 years. The officers are elected by the seated members.
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