Tuesday, November 3, 2009

UNOFFICIAL local election results

Unoffical results are coming in on the Phoenixville races for Mayor, Borough Council, and the PASD School Board Directors.


Leo Scoda


Richard Kirkner


Henry Wagner


Dave Gautreau


Dana Dugan


Jan Potts

Betsy Ruch

Dan Cushing

Josh Gould

(The above candidates are leading at this time.)

County results will be posted when they are received, and will be certified in approximately two weeks by Chester County officials.


Weneedachange said...

Thats a shame. Henry won by 9 votes and Dugan seems to be in the county Dems back pocket.
As for Josh, hope your wrong.

Karen said...

Weneedachange, according to the Chester County website the unofficial count shows Wagner ahead by only 7 votes.

Tomorrow I'll have a post on the individual precinct totals on each race as well as the cumulative totals.

Anonymous said...

Yay Henry. It's a shame about Kirkner though, he doesn't have his constituents best interest in mind half the time. He votes based on his own feelings.

Anonymous said...

Glad Henry won - although Gill and Cireulos are leaving, they and Henry were at least bold enough to make some changes in this town. Lets face it, like it or not Phoenixville is alive again.

Anonymous said...

Any chance for a vote re-count?

karlub said...

I spent a fair amount of time helping Marc in his campaign for the Middle Ward seat earned by Henry.

One thing I hope everyone noticed is Marc ran a clean campaign. He promised to listen, and he promised to avoid divisiveness as best he could. He also promised to get his signs off the streets before lunch the day after the election!

Please notice that, thus far, he has kept all his promises to his neighbors in the middle ward.

I know we look forward to working with Council, and Henry Wagner, to achieve these goals. Hopefully, after having experienced first-hand how above-board Marc and I have been, he will be eager to encourage his Council colleagues to join him in making us useful.

Didntgetmywish said...

At least the ball is already rolling to remove Wagner as council president.

It would behoove him to start to listen to his constituents since half of the voters cast their ballot for his opponent.

Council President should change every two years to get a fresh perpesctive from the Chair.

karlub said...

I imagine there are already four folks who would prefer a new President, and given Council's recent turbulent history perhaps Henry agrees that a change of pace would be nice.

Anyone ask him?

Always seems to me the most obvious course of action is often the most easily overlooked.

Anonymous said...

Do you seriously think King Henry is going to abdicate the throne?

Anonymous said...

How is the Borough Council president selected? Is there a vote taken by members?

Anonymous said...

It will be abdicated for him thru no fault of his own.trust me and I am not a politician.

Karen said...

Anonymous November 05, 9:53 A.M., Council will reorganize the first Monday, I believe, in January.

During the public meeting held at borough hall, the nominations will be made for each office on Council and a vote taken by the Council members on each one. A simple majority rules.

Jeff Senley said...


The Borough Council President will be selected again by the 5 Council democrats and Mayor Scoda.

Sometime before the reorganization meeting in January, they will meet privately and determine how the reorganization meeting will be staged.

Anonymous said...

I believe "staged" is the operative word.

Karen said...

Personally, I'm hoping new coalitions will form between the newly elected Council members and incumbents.

I believe the election proves Henry Wagner has all but lost the last vestiges of public confidence he may have once had as President, and he should not seek nor be given the chair.

The borough would benefit with a split from the normal one party rule for the Presidency and the Vice-President. A Repubican for one seat, and a Democrat for the other would show an active effort towards bipartisanship.

Shared duties for the chairs of committees between both parties would result in true and balanced representation for the registered voters, which, in my opinion, we have been lacking for years.

I have grown weary of and disgusted by the almost habitual 5-3 votes on Council.

It's time for everyone to start thinking.

No more follow the leader.

Stay tuned.